Online Edition

September 28-30



Workshop No:


Developing Performant Data Streaming Applications Using Kafka

Carlos Manuel Duclos-Vergara

In this workshop we will look deeper into the architecture of Kafka in order to understand how we can get the best performance. During the course of this workshop we will build some applications in order to highlight the different performance outcomes based on the way we design the application.

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Workshop No:


Spark and HADOOP

Lidor Gerstel

The Workshop will cover basic concepts of Hadoop and mostly in The Cloudera stack, like  using HBase & Impala to query data, using Spark to stream data, afterwards we will launch a Cloudera quickstart, using datasets of top-rated movies in the workshops, getting the data analyzed and queried with Hadoop, explaining & demonstrating  Map Reduce Concepts, RDD Partition on Spark.

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Workshop No:


ONNX runtime to serve AI models

Mauro Bennici

The workshop will cover the basics of a Machine Learning project, from start to production release. We will concentrate on the optimization part of the chosen model. You will learn to use the ONNX Runtime to serve the model, check the performance compared to the initial model, and use a programming language different from the starting one.

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Workshop No:


Improving Performance and Security in MySQL

Lukas Vileikis

This workshop will cover the things that developers and DBAs can do to improve security in MySQL by mainly covering security-related issues pertaining to MySQL, but also putting some performance aspects into the mix – people will learn how to secure their MySQL instances and keep them performing at the best of their ability at the same time.

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Workshop No:


An introduction to FluxLang

Riccardo Tommasini

Flux is a lightweight data scripting language for fast-prototyping streaming and time-series databases. It is maintained by InfluxData, i.e., the company behind the most popular time-series database. This half-day course provides an introduction to the InfluxDB 2.0 and It covers fundamentals  about time series analysis and stream processing. Central to the course is the use of Fluxlang by InfluxData. The course will introduce you to Flux core concepts and it will make use of Influx Cloud free tier.

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