November 24-26
Ricardo Ferreira
Developer Advocate
USA, Elastic

Ricardo is Principal Developer Advocate at Elastic — the company behind the Elastic Stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana, Beats) and Elastic Cloud, where he leads community advocacy for North America. With over 20 years of experience he specializes in streaming data, analytics, cloud, and serverless. Prior to Elastic he worked for other vendors such as Confluent, Oracle, and Red Hat, as well as several consulting firms.
While not working he loves barbecuing on his backyard with his family and friends, where he gets the chance to talk about anything that is not IT related. He lives in North Carolina, USA with his wife and son. Follow Ricardo on Twitter: @riferrei
Best Practices for Building Streaming Data Architectures
The era of big data is over since everybody is a big data company these days. While this sounds super exciting in theory most companies seem to struggle in transforming this characteristic into something that really provides value. To address this problem a new architectural style have been used and it is called streaming data architecture. This architecture style allows companies to harness the power of data by ingesting, storing, and processing data as they happen and at scale to fuel modern analytics based applications.
This talk will introduce the main building blocks for a streaming data architecture and how they can be put together to address business problems. It will be discussed how to implement all of this using different technologies, as well as the trade-offs for each one of them.
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