November 18-21
Vilnus & Online
Confirmed Talks
Paško Pajdek
Mediatoolkit, Croatia
Designing Robust Processing System With Redis
If you want to know how we built our system with mechanisms such as queueing, scheduling, and backpressure implemented with Redis, come, listen and discuss.
Victoria Perez Mola
Tier mobility, Germany
Expanding the Data Team: Analytics Engineers
At the end of this talk you should be able to identify what are the tasks and responsibilities of the Analytics Engineer, the difference with other roles in the data team… and maybe even want to become one.
Sana Rasheed
Accenture, Latvia
Industrial Use Cases of Data Science
We will talk about the problem areas from the industry, and how we, at Accenture, solved them, and what benefit it brings to our clients.
Gerard Toonstra
Datafold, The Netherlands
Data Observability
Data Observability is a growing area in data engineering. In this session, he will explain to an audience of data engineers what data observability means in both development and operational processes.
Barry Walsh
Pairview Group, UK
Trends in 2021 – CRPA, AutoML & the Role of DataOps
As such, our talk at the Big Data Europe 2021 conference on “Trends in 2021 – CRPA, AutoML & the Role of DataOps” will take a practical look at pioneering tools including AutoAI (IBM Cloud Pak, TensorFlow Extended) and the rise in no-code / low-code interfaces (AzureML, DataRobot) as well as best practice for implementing Enterprise AI in 2021
Maxime Beugnet
MongoDB, France
Building a Serverless GraphQL API in 25 Minutes
In this live coding session, MongoDB Developer Advocate Maxime Beugnet will show you how to build a serverless REST and a GraphQL API based on this dataset using Python and the MongoDB Data Platform. We are finally going to put serverless and the MongoDB generous free tier to good use!