November 23-24

Valentina Djordjevic
Head of Data Science
Things Solver, Serbia
Valentina Djordjevic is a passionate Data Science enthusiast. She’s been working on various Data Science problems coming from different business domains, from telecommunications to retail, finance and banking, where she’s been dealing with forecasting, predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, segmentation, churn prediction, lead generation and scoring, etc.
There’s nothing she loves more than sharing her knowledge and letting it grow through the interaction with others.
Building Data Science Products
Solver AI Suite is a platform for building ML models, extracting predictions, and generating actions based on the insights provided by the platform. It can be used as a marketing automation tool, campaigning tool, auto ML tool, or whatever the client needs – it is modular and customizable to fit the specific client needs. The most powerful pillars of the platform are the infrastructural layer, customer data platform, forecast, and anomaly detection modules. The main idea of this platform is to let the client focus on analytics and actions, while the platform does the rest of the stuff.
She will be talking about the challenges in building this kind of platform, switching from service-oriented data science teams to product-oriented teams, changing the mindset, biggest problems encountered, and how we managed to tackle growth, client pressure, data science, heuristics, and algorithms under the same umbrella.
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