November 23-24


Shalvi Mahajan

AI Scientist

SAP SE, Germany


Shalvi Mahajan is an AI & Data scientist at SAP SE, Germany. She is really passionate about exploring ML and AI techniques to solve real world problem. She looks forward to solving Mathematics & business challenges. Apart from work, she is a big travel freak who is either on a trip or planning to go on one!


Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence

Good ML algorithms have bad gender biasing and go sexist most of the time. Even with google translate you can see if a person talks about a nurse, by default it is female and if it’s a doctor, then it’s considered as a male.

There are many challenging problems that we implicitly face but tend to ignore. These small biasing in minds do result in a big disparity in the crowd all over the world. In this conference, we will tackle this problem and try to explore ways to solve it.

Session Keywords

🔑 ML
🔑 Gender Bias
🔑 Translation

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