Online Edition
September 28-30
Silvan Jongerius
Managing Partner
Germany, TechGDPR

Silvan Jongerius is the Managing Partner of TechGDPR, a consultancy for Data Protection, GDPR compliance and Privacy for emerging technology, such as Blockchain, AI and IoT. He is the co-chair of the INATBA privacy working group and President of the non-profit BerChain, connecting and promoting the Berlin Blockchain ecosystem.
The GDPR Challenges to Big Data, and How to Overcome Them
The GDPR poses real limits on how personal data can be used, but it does not mean the end of data markets, data analysis and data exchange, but the methods to fuel this will radically change. During this talk, Silvan Jongerius, expert in GDPR compliance for technology will explain the obvious and not so obvious challenges of GDPR in big data, and look at different approaches to overcome them. Privacy innovation can help big data businesses to reach their goals without breaking any rules.
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