Online Edition
September 28-30

Kathrin Melcher
Data Scientist
Knime, Germany
Kathrin Melcher is a data scientist at KNIME. Since her master degree in Mathematics, she has always worked in data science, machine learning, and particularly deep learning algorithms. She is the author of two books “Codeless Deep Learning with KNIME” (Packt) and “From Excel to KNIME” (KNIME Press). When she is not working to build new data science solutions, she enjoys teaching and sharing her knowledge about the latest projects.
A Friendly Introduction to Codeless Deep Learning
Recent deep learning architectures have brought us solutions to previously unsolved problems. Nevertheless, for most tools, you still need to overcome the coding barrier. The Keras Deep Learning Integration of the KNIME Analytics Platform allows you to define and train your deep learning models without any code. So let’s get started and make the first steps into the field of deep learning.
In this talk, you’ll first get a basic introduction to neural networks, the concepts behind training them, and how to build and train a DL model without needing a single line of code using the Keras integration of the KNIME Analytics Platform. Once you are familiar with the basics we will move on to convolution neural networks, for image processing.
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