Online Edition
September 28-30

Antía Fernández
Intelligent Systems Director
Gradiant, Spain
Antía is currently the CoDirector of Intelligent Systems area at Gradiant, where she leads the Industry 4.0 strategy based on collecting data and generating value for the companies using big data, IoT and data analytics technologies.
Big or Small Data in the Food Industry?
In this session, Antia Fernandez will talk about different applications of artificial intelligence for the food sector Gradiant clients. As an introduction type of data from the company (sensors, business and people) and what we do in a generic way to extract more business value will be presented. Some solutions will be explained: real-time prediction of final product quality using sensor data, real-time production planning optimization using customer orders, absenteeism prediction, among others. Finally, a short view about the future of AI for the industry, such as explainable AI and efficient AI will be discussed.
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