26-28 November, 2019, Vilnius

Conference is over! See you next year.

Kathrin Melcher

KNIME, Germany


Kathrin Melcher is a data scientist at KNIME. She holds a master degree in Mathematics. She has a strong interest in data science, machine learning and algorithms, and enjoys teaching and sharing her knowledge about it.


The Creative Side of AI: Product Name Generation

Product naming is not an easy task. It requires creativity and a goal-driven process. Can AI help? We propose here a solution to get a very large number in very short time of name candidates to inspire your marketing team from a many-to-many LSTM network.

We will explore Recurrent Neural Networks in general and LSTM layers in particular and why they work so well for sequence generation. Kathrin will show how to prepare the data and build, train, and deploy a deep learning neural network in Keras and TensorFlow without writing a single line of code using the open source tool KNIME Analytics Platform.

Session Keywords

Text Generation
Deep Learning