Runtastic, Austria
Hilda Kosorus is Data Scientist at Runtastic. Coming from the academic and research world after finishing her PhD in Computer Science, she took on the challenge of laying the Data Science foundation at Runtastic. She focuses on bridging the gap between analytics and other departments, creating value with every experiment and data product and helping Runtastic become more data-driven.
Topic: Take Control over Your KPIs
KPIs are the single most important and valuable metrics to ensure that the company makes data-driven decisions about the direction of current projects. Companies use KPIs to evaluate past performance, but also to plan ahead. In order to have a better control over future KPI changes, it is very useful to have the right tools at hand that can predict accurately the development of your KPIs. This gives the company leverage to efficiently allocate resources, focus on the project that matter most and avoid negative results. In this talk I will present how Runtastic is currently estimating its KPIs and how we use estimates to drive business decisions.